
Tiger, Tiger project-2011

Page history last edited by David Guarnieri 13 years, 6 months ago

Tiger, Tiger Project Choices


Once you choose your project, make a plan in your LA book

about what you will do and need.Your project will be presented on Thursday or Friday this week.


  1. Diorama of a scene
  2. Model
  3. Design a cover for the book. 
  4. Drawing of a scene
  5. Rome report
  6. Write a another chapter
  7. Act out a scene from the book
  8. Report on tigers
  9. Design roman costume for stuffed anima
  10. Letter from Julius to Aurelia or vice versa
  11. Power point of important scenes from the book



Comments (1)

5gjiaqi said

at 7:15 pm on Apr 14, 2011


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