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Lorenzo NIMH 2011

Page history last edited by 5glorenzo 13 years, 7 months ago

Vocabulary- List 20 words with definitions. Create a crossword puzzle, word scramble or matching game for other groups to complete.



2.    Literary Elements-Write one question for each of the following literary elements: setting, plot (events), characters and author’s language. Other groups will need to answer these four questions.


1. Setting question: Where did the scientists take the rats after capturing them?

The scientists brought the rats in their laboratory to experiment on them. 


2. Plot question: How many mice were lost when the rats escaped from the laboratory?

Six mice were lost when the rats escaped from the laboratory. 


3. Character question: What new characters are introduced in chapters 18-20?

In chapters 18-20 Justin was the new introduced character. 


4. Author’s language: List at least one example of personification in this section of the book. Also if you’re interested at author’s language you can list at least one example of onomatopoeia.








3.    Discussion Questions -Prepare a list of 12 discussion questions. These questions should involve explanations not one word answers. Other groups will need to choose 6 of these questiones to answer.               

1. Why did Jonathan Frisby never tell Mrs. Frisby anything about NIMH?

I don't know but hopefully because he didn't want Mrs. Frisby to be scared that he communicated with the rats, although I don't know why she should be scared, or maybe they had a secret that in the book was not relieved about the rats of NIMH. Or maybe because the rats are nothing knowing people and Jonathan Frisby worried about that if Mrs. Frisby discovered the rats of NIMH and she would see they are stupid she would have been worried that Jonathan Frisby would get influenced from them and he would be stupid to. Or maybe because Jonathan Frisby just didn't want to tell. Or maybe because he wanted to say it but he died just before he had his chance.





    aggestions related to the story. The choices could include creating a poster, model, research project, poetry, writing a letter, creative writing, or a developing a skit or interview. Students will choose one of these activities to complete.



5.    Short Quiz- Create a 5 question multiple choice quiz for your section. Each of the questions should have 4 possible answers. Keep an answer key to later grade the quizzes that other groups take.



Ch. 1-7

1) What does Mrs. Frisby do to heal Timothy?

a) get corn

b) go to Mr. Ages

c) give him medicine

d) both b and c


2) What sickness does Timothy have?

a) pneumonia

b) cold

c) fever

d) cancer


3) What did the owl suggest to Mrs. Frisby?

a) stay in their house

b) go to the rats

c) trying to make Timothy walk

d) the owl didn't know


4) What does Mr. Ages give to Mrs. Frisby for Timothy?

a) grass

b) some kind of food

c) medicine

d) nothing to do with food 


5) When Mrs. Frisby goes to Mr. Ages what is she afraid of ?

a) the grass is to high so she can't see where she is going

b) the birds

c)  the cat

d) get lost


Ch. 8-15

1. What did Isabella think of Mrs. Frisby?

That she was...

a. a human

b. a friend

c. a spy from NIMH

d.  her mother


2. Who is Brutus?

a. a pig

b. a substitute guard

c. a mouse

d. Mr. Fitzgibbon son


3. Who is Dragon?

a. a very good friend of Mrs. Frisby

b. a cat

c. a boy

d. a rat


4. What did the owl said to Mrs. Frisby?

a. stay here and have tea

b. go to the rats

c. let Timothy die

d. I don't care about your son sickness



5. Who was Mrs. Frisby's husband?

a. Micheal Frisby

b. Bob Frisby

c. Jonathan Frisby

d. Richard Frisby


Ch. 15-21

Chapter 15 (In the Cage)

1. Why did the men in the white suit capture the rats?

a) to kill them so they would stop stealing food 

b) to experiment on them 

c) to kill them because they don't like rats 

d) to kill them so they would stop robbing food 


Chapter 16 (The Maze)

Where were the rats given when they went the wrong way in the maze? 

a) they got burnt 

b) there was water on the floor so they would slip 

c) electric shock 

d) spiks came up so they got hurt 


Chapter 17 (A Lesson in Reading ) 

What did Mr. Schultz say about the injections the rats were having?

a) the injections might make the rats die 

b) the injections didn't effect the rats

c) the new injections might make there life longer

d) the injections might have damaged there brain 


Chapter 18 (The Air Ducts)

What did the rats use to not forget how far they got?

a) they left stones on there way 

b) they used red thread

c) they left a row of left over food 

d) they used some strips of paper 


Chapter 19 (The Boniface Estate)

Where were the owners of the house ?

a) on a vacation 

b) on a honeymoon 

c) on a business trip

d) at the hospital to recover from a surgery 


Chapter 20 (The Main Hall) 

What were the rats going to do that night?

a) move to another house

b) stay outside and wait for the rats to move their house

c) go outside and see if Timothy could walk 

d) go all together to show the rats Timothy's conditions


Chapter 21 (The Toy Tinker)

What did the rats find in the truck next to the old man?

a) old toys and small tools

b) old pieces of the truck

c) rotten food

d) nothing



1) How does Mrs. Frisby get caught?

a) a boy caught her.

b) a bird caught her.

c) she fell into a portal.

d) Bill's mom caught her.


2) When  does Mrs. Frisby get caught?

a) when she was putting sleeping powder on the cat's bowl

b) she was walking around

c) she was getting chased by something

d) she wanted to see the cat


3) At the end how does Timothy feel?

a) sick


c) worse 

d) dead


4) What did the boy use as a lock for the cage to trap Mrs. Frisby

a) little wire rings

b) a steel lock

c) stainless steel lock

d) titanium lock


5) What animal was arguing with the rats saying they can't move Mrs. Frisby house?

a) a bug 

b) a bird

c) a shrew

d) some crazy mouse













All ****All individual guide work should be on your Individual Student Work page (below). The completed assignments for all sections of the book are due on February 11. The projects will be presented the week of February 14.


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Comments (3)

David Guarnieri said

at 3:45 pm on Feb 8, 2011

Get cracking!

David Guarnieri said

at 3:33 pm on Feb 15, 2011

Good job on your discussion questions. You got 20/22 on your quizzes. Please finish the literary elements section!

David Guarnieri said

at 11:55 am on Mar 2, 2011

The literary elements section is still incomplete.

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