

Page history last edited by David Guarnieri 13 years, 2 months ago

Below is the routine for our spelling program. Every Wednesday (no spelling in weeks with 3 or less days), the children will take a pretest to determine their individual spelling list of ten words. Children that already know how to spell the words on the pretest will use more difficult words from our units of inquiry, math and LA lessons. Using these words, the children will have one spelling HW activity per night (Wednesday-Monday). The spelling posttest will be on Tuesday. Each child will have a list of instructions and spelling activities in the front of their spelling HW notebook. We will add new activities every few months.


Spelling Homework


  • Sort your words into at least 3 groups. In your spelling notebook write your words in their groups.  Look up the meaning of 3 of your interesting words and write the definition.


  • Spelling activity of your choice (choose a different activity each night). Or do two activities on Thursday so you have no Friday HW.


  • Spelling activity of your choice


  • Spelling activity of your choice
  • Have someone give you a practice test or practice Say, Cover, Write, Check method



Tuesday- Spelling Posstest


Spelling Activity Choices #1



Stair Step Spelling- Practice spelling all of your words in stair step form.   Ex.










Type ‘em- Type all of your spelling words on the computer.  You can print out and glue in your notebook or save a tree and email them to me! david.guarnieri@ambrit-rome.com


Riddle me- Write a riddle for at least 5 words.


Story, Story- Write a story using all of your spelling words.


Colorful Words- Use two different color pens to write your spelling words.  Use one color to write the consonants and the other for the vowels. 


Word Puzzles- Make a word puzzle online using all of your spelling words.  Print out a few extra copies for your friends to do in class!



Spelling Activity Choices #2


Alphabetical Order: Put your words in alphabetical order. 


Prefix and Suffix +/-: Try to add or subtract 5 prefixes or suffixes from your spelling word list. (pretest-pre=test or honest+dis=dishonest) Make sure your root words or new words make sense with or without the prefixes or suffixes. Common prefixes: dis-, inter-, ex-, non-,un-, sub, mis-, etc.

Common suffixes: -ness, -ly, -ful, -crat, -ician, -logy, -pathy, -phobia, etc.


Scrabble-Pick five of your spelling words. Try to make as many words (at least 3) out of each of the letters for each word. You do not need to use all the letters of each word. Organize like this:

1. Scrabble: crab, able, scab, rabble, bar. 


Sentence Challenge- Try to use at least 2 of your spelling words in one sentence.   Underline each of the spelling words.  Be sure the sentences make sense! Make at least 5 sentences using all your words.


Counting Syllables: Count out the syllables to all of your spelling words. Write the words in your Spelling HW book like this: syl/la/bles (3): (because the word syllables has three syllables). Clap the syllables out to help you or use dictionary.com.


Spelling Activity Choices #3


Antonyms/Synonyms: Use a thesaurus and find 2 antonyms (words that mean the opposite) and 2 synonyms (words that mean the same) for at least 5 of your spelling words. Check out this link to help you. 


Homophones/Homonyms: Do you have any homophones (words that sound the same but have different meanings, like to, too & two) or homonyms (words spelled the same that have different meanings, like crane-the bird and crane-used to build with) in your spelling list? Make a list of at least 3 of these words and list the definition for each word. Use this link to help.


Dictionary Fun: Pick five of your words to look up in the dictionary. Write the word that comes before and after your word.


Poetry: Write a poem using at least one of your words (but more if you can!). Choose a poetry form such as couplets, quatrains, haiku, acrostic, clerihews, etc. Here is a link to an online rhyming dictionary to help you.











Comments (1)

5gmaria said

at 12:59 pm on Feb 1, 2013


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