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Cesare three minute fiction

Page history last edited by 5gcesare 14 years, 5 months ago



                              VOL . 1

My name is Smashguy and I lost my left hand. Five years ago I was sent to fight evil pizza man . He was fat and he’s on the evil side of the force. When we started fighting each other , he cut my left hand by throwing a pizza knife on me , but in the end I managed to kill him. He was Starscape’s father. Starscape is like his father : strong, evil but does not use pizza kind of stuff. I know that he would take revenge on me. And in fact he did. My apprentice Elly is right there fighting against Starscape . Starscape has the power to bring dead people to life . So I think he probably wants to make his father relive , but there’s a problem: When Starscape makes this type of magic the dead people don’t become normal like they were in life time , but they become zombies and you should know zombies are much more stronger than humans because they don’t feel pain . Evil pizza man is already strong, imagine him in zombie version . I can finely see her ( Elly ) I ran faster and faster towards the zombie who was going to attack Elly , then I jumped with my feet and “air punched” the zombie ( air punch means that when I was in the air I punched him and came back to the ground , I invented the name) but it was no use. The zombie was too strong. Then I said to Elly : “you go against Star thingy ,um, what’s his name again, anyway , who cares , I’ll take care of the zombie.”

I looked at the zombie’s green eyes and then I remembered something : My dad once told me that the only way to kill a zombie is to make a hole on his chest , pull out his greenish heart and throw it in a river . Right behind me there was a river so I thought maybe I could do it. The zombie ran towards me , I went on him and stabbed him on the chest , but then he grabbed my hair and pulled hard but so hard that a lot of my hair was now on the floor. I almost became bald when I suddenly kicked him on the chin and he flew like a rock thrown by a catapult in a battle. Then I saw the heart coming out of his chest when he was flying so I  grabbed the heart and threw it in the river, the zombie is now finished. Starscape saw what happened and ran away crying, then I said to myself: he’s a baby , not a man. I said to Elly “ mission complete . Good work.”      



                END OF THIS VOLUME


                                                                   FINISHED: 9/4/10   

            NEXT VOLUME:


                 1941 PEARL HARBOR                                                     

                                VOL . 2

                  (not a 600 word story)   



Comments (5)

5gcesare said

at 5:55 pm on Apr 12, 2010

I DID IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

5gcesare said

at 6:18 pm on Apr 12, 2010

I ALREADY STARTED WRITING VOL.2!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

David Guarnieri said

at 9:36 am on Apr 13, 2010

Good story Cesare! I can't wait to see volume 2. Did Starscape bring his father back to life as the zombie?

David Guarnieri said

at 9:37 am on Apr 13, 2010

Did you use any of the 4 key words?

5gcesare said

at 6:15 pm on Apr 13, 2010

yes, Starscape did bring his father back to life.
i am sorry i didn't put the four words in it but i will put them in the second volume , sorry i forgot and i apologize.

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