Mt. Vesuvius, Pompeii & Herculaneum
2011 Field Trip Information for Families
SPQR: Rome Wasn’t Built in a Day
Our unit of inquiry is leading the 5th grade to Mt. Vesuvius, Pompeii and Herculaneum for a two night/three day field trip from Monday, April 4 to Friday, April 6.
We will stay at the 4 star Hotel Forum in Pompeii. Tel. +39 081 850 1170
All meals in Pompeii will be at the hotel.
Students will be in rooms with classmates (2-4, boys/girls separated) to a room.
We will be travelling by a private coach. The bus will be at our disposal for the entire stay.
Three Ambrit teachers will accompany the trip.
A permission slip and check list were sent home with students on Friday, March 11. The permission slip should be returned by Friday, March 18. The checklist should be given to Mr. Guarnieri on the Wednesday morning of the trip.
Students may choose to bring a camera, but are not allowed to bring any other type of electronic devices (No cell phones, MP3 players, Nintendo, etc.)
We will post to our class Wiki each evening so you can see and read about what we are doing (I will send instructions for this before the departure). Children will not be permitted to call home during the trip. In case of an emergency you can reach Mr. Guarnieri throughout the trip on his cell phone (366-520-4553) or one of the other chaperones listed above.
This is our planned itinerary:
Monday, April 4: Mt. Vesuvius
7:15 am Arrive at Ambrit
7:30 am Busses depart Ambrit for Mt. Vesuvius
* Travel by bus to Mt. Vesuvius
* Bag lunch (brought by students) at the base of Mt. Vesuvius
* Hike to the top of Mt. Vesuvius
* Travel by bus to Hotel Forum in Pompeii
* Dinner at Hotel
9:30 pm Lights Out!
Tuesday, April 5: Pompeii & Boscoreale
* Breakfast at hotel
* Student led tour of Pompeii
* Lunch at hotel
* Bus to Boscoreale
* Tour of a reconstructed Roman farm villa
* Dinner at hotel
9:30 pm Lights Out!
Wednesday, April 6: Herculaneum
*Breakfast at hotel
*Bus to ancient city of Herculaneum
*Guided tour of Herculaneum
* Pizza lunch in Herculaneum
*Return to Rome on bus
5:30 pm Expected arrival at Ambrit
Thursday, March 25: Pompeii & Boscoreale
* Breakfast at hotel
* Student led tour of Pompeii
* Lunch at hotel
* Bus to Boscoreale
* Tour of a reconstructed Roman farm villa
* Dinner at hotel
9:30 pm Lights Out!
Friday, March 26: Herculaneum
*Breakfast at hotel
*Bus to ancient city of Herculaneum
*Guided tour of Herculaneum
* Pizza lunch in Herculaneum
*Return to Rome on bus
7:30 pm Expected arrival at Ambrit
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